And… Any resemblance to real events and/or real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental ! © All rights reserved.

9 November 2011

I know you want me ,You know I want You

There is someone in my mind
In my heart or in my soul
I mean that perfect place
Where people are 
When you care about them.

There is someone in that place
And even when I look around me
I see that person and all the rest
Turn to background
And have no more sense.

There is someone deep inside
My thoughts and it's there 
Maybe for one or more reasons 
Maybe for no apparent reason 
But I know it's there.

There is someone and I know
I want to take it out of there
To feel , touch and live him
Stay together till the end
And be happy for ever and ever !



  1. Scrie mai mare :-W Oricum, superba!! >:d< Si look'ul blogului e bestial!!!

  2. Multumesc Cry ! Asta vroiam eu sa o scriu mai mic :D ! ;)) >:D<


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