And… Any resemblance to real events and/or real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental ! © All rights reserved.

8 November 2009



Amo la notte...perchè la notte certe cose le nasconde...

Spegnetemi il sole almeno un giorno...

Amo il buio profondo...



what if?

Am I Crazy?What If...?


Here you sit on your high-backed chair
Wonder how the view is from there
I wouldn't know 'cause I like to sit
Upon the floor, yeah upon the floor
If you like we could play a game
Let's pretend that we are the same
But you will have to look much closer
Than you do, closer than you do

And I'm far too tired to stay here anymore
And I don't care what you think anyway
'Cause I think you were wrong about me
Yeah what if you were, what if you were

And what if I'm a snowstorm burning
What if I'm a world unturning
What if I'm an ocean, far too shallow, much too deep
What if I'm the kindest demon
Something you may not believe in
What if I'm a siren singing gentlemen to sleep

I know you've got it figured out
Tell me what I am all about
And I just might learn a thing or two
Hundred about you, maybe about you
I'm the end of your telescope
I don't change just to suit your vision
'Cause I am bound by a fraying rope
Around my hands, tied around my hands

And you close your eyes when I say I'm breaking free
And put your hands over both your ears
Because you cannot stand to believe I'm not
The perfect girl you thought
Well what have I got to lose

And what if I'm a weeping willow
Laughing tears upon my pillow
What if I'm a socialite who wants to be alone
What if I'm a toothless leopard
What if I'm a sheepless shepherd
What if I'm an angel without wings to take me home

You don't know me
Never will, never will
I'm outside your picture frame
And the glass is breaking now
You can't see me
Never will, never will
If you're never gonna see

What if I'm a crowded desert
Too much pain with little pleasure
What if I'm the nicest place you never want to go
What if I don't know who I am
Will that keep us both from trying
To find out and when you have
Be sure to let me know

What if I'm a snowstorm burning
What if I'm a world unturning
What if I'm an ocean, far too shallow, much too deep
What if I'm the kindest demon
Something you may not believe in
What if I'm a siren singing gentlemen to sleep

Emilie Autumn





4 November 2009



Sparkling wings,

Dark thoughts,

Beautiful vision,

Dark mind,

Just an illusion!


...You'll never see me again...


Beautiful words,

Behind bad feelings,

Crazy ideas,

Spinning in your head!


Sottofondo dei Paradise Lost missing,alla radio...un segno?


And I miss you like the desert miss the rain?




Our song


Like the day needs the night

Like the night needs the dark

Like a rose needs it's thorn

Like my life needs this song!


sharon-den-adel-armin-video.jpg image by jimcueva


Dark night

GothicNightLady.jpg Goth Night Lady image by GothVampiress

In that dark night,

I saw your light

Red,light,fire light

Keep my soul

And feel the night!

Darkness on fire

Flames around,

Angels were flying

Lightening the night.

Red roses falling down

Sad song singing loud

Breaking the spellbound.

goth162.gif image by mysticalmoon_2006




28 September 2009

Rose red


Rose Rose Rose Red
Will I ever see thee wed
I wil marry at thy will sire
At thy will

A thousand years gone by
Too late to wonder why
I'm here alone
If in my darkest hour
She rose that fell a flower
I should have known

Rose Rose Rose Red
Will I ever see thee wed
Only if you can capture me

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine

Someday these walls will speak
The floor beneath you creek
To call my name
Here in my web of dreams
My whispers turn to screams
And place the blame

Rose Rose Rose Red
Will I ever see thee wed
Only if you discover me

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
Find More lyrics at
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine

For this freedom
I have given all I had
For this darkness
I gave my light
For this wisdom
I have lost my innocence
Take my petals
And cover me with the night

Tell me no more stories
And I'll tell you no lies
No one wants to hurt me
But everybody tries
And if you think that I've been waiting
For my planets to align
It's time you go on
Get your things, get up, get out
I'm doing fine



Emilie Autumn -Rose red


9 June 2009






Azi a fost cald si soare dar nu in inima mea                                                 Oggi è stato bello ma non nel mio cuore
Si dimineata mi s-a parut ca aud vocea ta.                                                    E stamattina mi è sembrato di sentire la tua voce
Nu stiu cum sa fac sa nu-mi mai fie asa de dor                                           Non so come fare perchè mi manchi troppo
Si iti scriu aceste randuri sperand ca timpul va trece mai usor.                E ti scrivo queste righe sperando che il tempo passerà più in fretta.

Numar zilele, numar noptile                                                                             Conto i giorni,conto le notti
Cat mai am s-astept sa te strang la piept                                                      Quanto mi manca da aspettare finchè sarò tra le tue braccia
Zilele, noptile, astept...                                                                                    I giorni ,le notti ,aspetto...

Numar zilele, numar noptile                                                                               Conto i giorni,conto le notti
Cat mai am s-astept sa te strang la piept                                                       Quanto mi manca da aspettare finchè sarò tra le tue braccia
Zilele, noptile, astept...                                                                                      I giorni ,le notti ,aspetto...

Si nu mai vreau sa ma trezesc intre aceeasi pereti albi si goi                        E non voglio più svegliarmi fra gli stessi muri bianchi e vuoti
La fel ca sufletul meu cand nu suntem amandoi                                            Come la mia anima quando non siamo insieme
Departe si-s singur, ma intreb:'Oare am sa ajung inapoi?'                             Lontano e sono sola,mi chiedo :"Ritornerò?"
Am nevoie de tine ca pamantul de ploi.                                                           Ho bisogno di te come la terra ha bisogno della pioggia

Numar zilele, numar noptile                                                                               Conto i giorni,conto le notti
Cat mai am s-astept sa te strang la piept                                                        Quanto mi manca da aspettare finchè sarò tra le tue braccia
Zilele, noptile, astept...                                                                                       I giorni ,le notti ,aspetto...

Numar zilele, numar noptile                                                                               Conto i giorni,conto le notti
Cat mai am s-astept sa te strang la piept                                                        Quanto mi manca da aspettare finchè sarò tra le tue braccia
Zilele, noptile, astept...                                                                                      I giorni ,le notti ,aspetto...



2 June 2009

Colpa tua...




Appena ti vedo

un sospiro fuoriesce dalle mie labbra,

e il mio cuore batte forte .forte ,forte...

Mi hai fatto desiderarti  a tal punto di volerti possedere come a te piace e di farti provare sensazioni mai provate prima.
Quindi di farti urlare di piacere, così che alla mia lontananza,ti ricorderai di me.
Mi hai insegnato che l'amore si esprime anche in questo modo..non mi importa di quello che penserà e dirà la gente...


Ma tu?


Dannato Morfeo....


Ma tu?


Ti odio...




When the sky become dark
I come out from my coffin
In search of my new victim
Unholy passion... hot blood on my mouth
Pointed teeth on your neck
I feel your soul inside me
I feel your enjoyment...
I feel you... in my veins...
When the light leaves the earth
I rise from my grave
Queen of the damned... I love the blood
I cut the throat of innocent virgins! For my thirst
She who loves the pain!
She who loves the suffering!
She who loves the lust!
She that want satisfy my thirst!
She who loves the blood!
She who loves the death!
She who loves the evil!



Finally the hills are without eyes
They are tired of painting a dead man's face red
With their own blood

They used to love having so much to lose
Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins

Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don't you see?
You chose the long road, but we'll be waiting

Bye, bye, beautiful!
Bye, bye, beautiful!

Jacob's ghost for the girl in white
Blindfold for the blind
Dead Siblings walking the dying earth

Noose around a choking heart
Eternity torn apart
So toll now the funeral bells

"No need to die to prove a lie"

Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the world said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don't you see?
You chose the long road, but we'll be waiting

Bye, bye, beautiful!
Bye, bye, beautiful!
Bye, bye, beautiful!
Bye, bye, beautiful!

It’s not the tree that forsakes the flower
But the flower that forsakes the tree
Someday I’ll learn to love these scars
Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words

...How blind can you be, don’t you see...(x3)
...that the gambler lost all he does not have...

Did you ever hear what I told you?
Did you ever read what I wrote you?
Did you ever listen to what we played?
Did you ever let in what the words said?
Did we get this far just to feel your hate?
Did we play to become only pawns in the game?
How blind can you be, don’t you see?
You chose the long road but we’ll be waiting

Bye bye, beautiful
Bye bye, beautiful
Bye bye, beautiful
bye bye bye bye







29 April 2009

Morire per amore

Come vorrei che ci vedessimo...
così, ad un tratto,senza dir niente ...
Vorrei avvicinarmi a te,lentamente ...
mentre tu, con immobile superbia mi aspetti ...
consapevole della tua enorme bellezza ...

Vorrei, una volta arrivata a te vicino ...
accarezzarti il viso dolcemente,
come facevi tu per asciugarmi le lacrime.
Poi, scendere piano con la mano,
fino ad arrivare al mento.
Infine, sfiorare le tue fredde labbra,
dannate labbra, che solo toccando, uccidono ...

Poi, vedere come ti avvicini ...
vederti alzare il braccio ...
sentire, un brivido,
per avermi toccata,
sul mento ...

Vederti sempre con la mano sul mio mento ...
vederti avvicinare a tal punto
di sentire il tuo calmo e freddo respiro ...

Vederti lì, davanti a me ...
con le tue labbra che sfiorano le mie ...
Sentirle, come si abbassano ...
fino a toccarmi il collo.
Di nuovo quel brivido.

E così, morire ...
con le tue labbra sul mio collo ...

Essere felice di morire ...
con te ...
davanti a te ...
Per te ...
Morire, per amore.



Questa poesia è troppo bella ed è stata scritta da mia sorella  dodicenne...

9 April 2009

It's all about ME and YOU


angelFootstepsWater.jpg Angel in the Water image by Jaynejetson_2006

I see you often in my dreams

You've became my nightmare

I search you often in my thoughts

You've became my obsession.

I miss you often ,every day

You've became my sin.

This is what you are

Search me,dream me,miss me

This is what I want!

dark-angel.jpg image by tweety36c



8 April 2009



Have you ever noticed

That when the night comes

And when you're trying to sleep

A fairy comes near your bed

And start to sing a  lullaby?

It's a sad song about an angel

Waiting for you in a cradle of pain.

Maybe you know this angel

Maybe you saw this angel...

Angel of pain,angel of tears!

Have you ever noticed this song?

Have you ever listen to it?



6 April 2009






Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign.
Instead there is only silence,
can't you hear my screams?
Never stop hoping,
Need to know where you are,
but one thing is for sure,
you're always in my heart.

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying until my dying day.
I just need to know whatever has happened,
the truth will free my soul.

Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home.
I want to embrace you and never let you go.
Almost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soul.
Living in agony cause I just do not know
where you are.

Wherever you are, I won't stop searching.
Whatever it takes, I need to know.






Somewhere-Within Temptation


Il cuore...


Il cuore...Sentimenti...Amore...Odio...e...DOLORE!


Fa male solo pensarti...


E il mio cuore è debole..


Sangue e dolore....odio e amore...




15 March 2009







Mi sono specchiata  nei tuoi occhi,

ho sentito il mio nome staccarsi dalle tue labbra,

notti intere ti ho sognato,

volendo credere l'irreale ,

ma adesso ti chiedo scusa

 perchè ti penso ancora...





2 March 2009

Do I?

Like a memory
of a Time gone by
Many things I've seen
Still I can't deny
That I remember you
Yes I remember the things you do to me

I would recognize your shadow in a crowded room
Change your name a million times
It wouldn't change my mind
Or what I hope to find
In your heart underneath
In a new rhythm I breathe
'Cause I remember you
I remember you
I remember you
I remember you
Yes I do

I remember you
And I want you to say my name
I remember you
And I want you to say my name
Say my name
Say my name
Say my name...I remember

Emilie Autumn-Remember

30 January 2009



On a rainy day

When the clouds were black....


Mi dispiace non ricordarmi questa poesia che era dedicata ad una persona speciale....Triste

Prima lo sapevo tutta ma...Sarà un segno ?Deluso


Forse un giorno ricorderò.....



16 January 2009

A piece of advice for me




The world is full of writers
We don't need anymore
Stop wasting your time
Writing your stupid poems
You realise that they are boring
And no one ever will read them
You'll keep them in your book
And you'll never open it again...
Stop spending your time
Thinking at who or what
You want to write about!

